
"It Takes Two"

On the Minute x 10: 

1 Thruster (Building To Heavy)

Rest 5 Minutes 

5 Rounds x AMRAP 2: 

5 Thrusters (80% Heavy Single) 

25/20 Calorie Erg

* Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds 

* Pick-up Where You Left Off

Accessory Work if time allows


For Quality:


Meter Sled Push (Forward) 

Meter Sled Drag (Backwards) 

* Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets 

* Add Weight Each Round


Weighted Strict Pull-up

3 Sets: 

5 Weighted Strict Pull-ups 

* Build In Weight To Technical Failure 

"Regional Manager"

10 Rounds For Time: 

10 shuttle runs (50ft = 1 rep)

10 burpees

5 t2b

Time Cap: 18 Minutes



If time allows

:30s plate pinch right, :30s plate pinch left

2:00 plate hug -

:30s plate pinch right, :30s plate pinch left