

3 minutes per station, rest :30s and transition to the next station -

Work through for a total of 12 rounds

Station 1

5 devil presses
10 alternating DB lunges

35/20 ish

Station 2

max calorie row

Station 3

30 wallballs
60 mountain climbers

Station 4

max calorie bike



100 wallballs
100 thrusters @95/65
100 pull-ups
100 OHS @75/55


Front Squat

3 Sets: 

3 Front Squats  

* Same Weight Across 

* Aim For 82% 1RM

"Get Over Here"

For Time: 

45 Burpee Box Jumps (30"/24") 

90 Wallballs (20/14) 

* Partition However

Time Cap: 18 Minutes


Accessory if time allows:

3 rounds

20 Banded Front Raises 

20 Banded Pull Aparts 

rest 1 min