
Back Squat

3 Sets: 

5 Back Squats

- Rest 20 Seconds - 

3 Dumbbell Squat Jumps (Very Light)

* Build In Weight To Technical Failure 

*Aim for ~75-80% of 1RM 

*Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets

"Macho Man V2"

On the Minute x 10: 

3 Power Cleans 

3 Front Squats 

3 Push Jerks


Part 1

4 x 8:00 Clock:

4:00 Max Calories right into…

OTM 4:00

:45 Farmer Hold (70/53)

20 Strict Press* (45/33)

20 Situps

20 Heel Elevated Squats

*Go to Push Press to finish the 20 reps unbroken when needed

Part 2

Tabata (3 x :20 on / :10 off at each station)

Jumping Lunges

Plank Knee Ins

Wall Sit Hold

Plank Ups