
"Oil & Water"

4 Rounds x AMRAP 5:

30/24 Calorie Row 

15 Burpees

30 Wallballs (20/14) 

15 Burpees 

* Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds 

* Pick-up Where You Left


Bulletproof Shoulders


3 Sets For Quality: 

10 Single Arm Strict Press (R) 

10 Single Arm Strict Press (L) 


4 Sets For Quality: 

50' Mixed Dumbbell Overhead/Rack Carry (R/L)

50' Mixed Dumbbell Overhead/Rack Carry (L/R) 


Front Rack Lunges

3 Sets: 

12 Front Rack Lunges 

* 6 Reps Each Leg 

* Build In Weight To Technical Failure 

"Heads or Tails"

AMRAP 12: 

6 Dumbbell Snatches (R) 

6 Dumbbell Goblet Reverse Lunges 

6 Dumbbell Snatches (L) 

6 Dumbbell Goblet Reverse Lunges 

30 Double Unders 

Dumbbell: (50/35) 


If time remains:

On the 2:00 x 10 Sets: 

20/16 Calorie Bike