
Station 1 (9:00 cap)

Accumulate 1,750m/1,500m Row

@ 0:00 & every 1:30 complete 12 Half Burpees

Rest 3:00

Station 2

OTM 9:00 Alternating

Min 1- 45s Battling Rope

Min 2- 45s  Situps

Min 3- 45s Wall Sit Hold (1 DB held down)

Rest 3:00

Station 3 (9:00 Clock)


300m Sprint / WALK back to start as your rest then take off again!!

Saturday 🏄‍♀️


Station 1

Partner 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 burpee/KB swing combo

Partner 2: AMRAP ski erg

Station 2

EMOM x 12

Min 1: 15 heels elevated goblet squats

Min 2: 20 box step ups

Min 3: REST

Station 3

5 Rounds

10 dual DB deadlift

200 M run

Rest 1:00 between rounds


Buy In: Bridge run!

3 Rounds (reps split)

10 push press

20 back squats

20 chest to bar pull ups

3 Rounds (reps split)

10 power snatch

20 overhead squats

20 pistols*

RX: 115/85#

*Scale to weighted reverse lunges