

On a 35:00 running clock -

Single ARM DB Bench Press + Pushbacks

5x8/8 DB Bench + 8 Pushbacks

Rest exactly :90s between sets

@ Minute 15

Single ARM KB Face Pull + Wide Grip Pull-Ups (Sub pull-ups to wide grip body row)

4x10/10 + max rows

Rest :90s

@Minute 28:00

AMRAP 7:00

100 barbell skull crushers

60 barbell reverse curls


A. OTM x 21:00 Alternating

Min 1- Prowler Push*

Min 2- 10 Hang Pwr Cleans (135/95)

Min 3- 15 Situps (legs bent with feet ON wall)

*no weight; Guys RX 3 trips = down, back, down/Ladies RX 2 trips = down & back

B. For Quality

3 rounds (11:00 total)

1:00 on / 1:00 off Alternating:

Max Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25)

Plank Hold