

Strict Press - 20RM - heaviest you can do for 20 reps - rest as much as you’d like on your shoulders or overhead. This will be a spicy rep scheme but I'd rather you overshoot than undershoot.


For time:

99 wall-balls @20/14
99 burpees
99 calorie erg

Partition however you like.

20 minute cap


A. For time (23:00 Cap)

3 rounds

200m run

30 Double Unders

10 Pushups

2 rounds

400m run

60 Double Unders

20 Pushups

1 round

800m run

120 Double Unders

40 Pushups

**If you finish before the 23:00 cap…accumulate max dead hang in time remaining

B. E2:00 x 5 rounds (10:00)

20 Steering Wheels in wall sit…once completed…continue wall sit hold with plate on your lap until 1:00 mark…rest 1:00. (25/15)