Greetings. For the next four weeks we will be implementing a gymnastic warmup for the first ten minutes of class on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. We will also be doing a month without bands for assistance.
The warmup will follow a 10 minute EMOM format, although we expect some confusion for the first few classes, so this will be flexible.
The warmup will be broken into various levels (which will be written on the whiteboard above the kettlebells) .
Monday will focus on kipping, Wednesday will focus on handstand pushups, and Friday will focus on pullups.
While we're doing this, create some gymnastic goals for yourself and use the next four weeks as a jump start.
A. Max Front Squirt (15 minute cap)
B. Death by thruster @115/75
minute 1 - 1 rep minute 2 - 2 reps minute 3 - 3 reps
Continue as long as you can until you can no longer do the required amount of reps.