Monday - 1/20/2020 - Schedule reminder/changes plus WOD

Tomorrow we will have the following open floor/classes

Open Floor - 8am-12pm

12pm class

5:30pm class

6:30pm class

The gym will be closed at 7:30pm

Effective January 30th until June 1st - Open Floor on THURSDAY afternoon will be from 4:30pm-5:30pm (no longer 1pm-5:30pm).

Tuesday will still offer afternoon Open Floor (1-5:30pm).

Workout of the day


  • Bulgarian split squat

    • 5x12 reps (each leg) - perform max push-ups immediately after each set of split squats. Rest exactly 2 minutes between sets.


  • 7 rounds with 2 minutes rest between rounds

    • 15/10 calorie assault bike , 20 KBS @53/35

    • Rx+ = 18/12 calories and 70/53#