
OTM 20:00

Min 1- 15 DB Floor Press

Min 2- 20 Situps

Min 3- 15 Air Squats + 20 Lunges

Min 4- 15 Ring Rows

4 rounds

:30 Wall Sit Hold w/ DB’s

:30 rest

:30 Wall Sit

:30 rest

*1:00 rest after last round into Max Wall Sit w/ DB’s (drop DB’s when you have to but stay in wall sit hold until your little legs fall off!)

4 rounds w/ Plate (45/25)

15 Bent Over Rows

15 Ground to Overheads

:45 Overhead Hold



Bench Press

3 Sets: 

5 Bench Press  

- Rest 20 Seconds - 

3 Lying Medball Chest Throws (14/10)

* Build In Weight To Technical Failure 

* Aim for ~75-80% 

* Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets


AMRAP 15: 

Max Unbroken Strict Pull-ups 

250m Bike

Max Unbroken Push-ups 

7 Burpees