
Strict Press 

5 Sets

3 Strict Press 

Increase from last week. On the 5th set, perform AMRAP reps.


"Back to Back" 

AMRAP 12: 

8 Push Press @95/65

4 Burpee Pull-ups 

8 Front Rack Barbell Lunges @95/65

4 Burpee Pull-ups 


If time allows…

3 x 10 Bulgarian Split Squats (Each Side)

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets 

Finish with

100 Air Squats



6 minutes at each station with a “rest run” in between. Rest run is a 4:00 clock to run 400m. Time remaining left over is rest. Scale the run distance to have at least 1:30 to rest. Use the rest to setup for the next station.

Station 1 (6 people)

20 Wallballs @14/10

10 Hercules burpees

Station 2 (6 people)


:30s sprint, :30s easy

Station 3 (6 people)

20 Jump Squats

50ft Sled Push

Station 4 (6 people)

Minutes 1/3/5 - Ski

Minutes 2/4/6 - Jump Lunges



"Team Hotshots 19" [HERO] 

6 Rounds For Time: 

30 Synchro Air Squats 

19 Power Cleans (135/95) 

14 Pull-Ups

400 Meter Run (Together) 

* Teams of 2 

* Split Power Cleans As Needed 

Time Cap: 35 Minutes