

Front Squat - 8x8 - rest exactly :30s between sets - 135/95---


4 rounds

20 jumping lunges - 2x30/15# DB's +-

10 barbell push press @135/95

Cash Out

2-3 sets

15 barbell curls - as heavy as possible

15 KB upfront row

15 hollow rocks


A. For Quality:

4 rounds

10 RDL’s (155/105; Rx+ 185/135)

10/10 3-Point DB Rows on bench (35ish/25ish)

15 Sit-ups w/ feet on bench

r1:30-2:00 after each set

Rest 4:00

4 rounds

10 Strict Pullups (AHAP)

20 Glute Bridge ups

10 Seated Strict Press (5/side; same # as rows)

r1:30-2:00 after each set

B. Tabata Planks


A. Strength

OTM x 3:00 —> 3 Hang Pwr Cleans (across)

r1:00 and add weight

OTM x 3:00 —> 2 Hang Pwr Cleans (across)

r1:00 and add weight

OTM x 3:00 —> 1 Hang Pwr Cleans (across)

B. For time

1 round:

400m run

80 Double Unders

20 TTB

2 rounds:

300m run

60 Double Unders

15 TTB

3 rounds:

200m run

40 Double Unders

10 TTB