5:00 on / 1:00 off until you’ve completed…
100/85 Calorie Machine
80 Situps
60 DB Push Press (30/side)
40 Ring Rows
20 Prisoner Get-Ups (10/side)
40 DB Plank Push/Pull (20/side)
60 Step Ups (Rx+ with DB)
80 Half Burpees
100 Double Unders
Workout of the Day
5:00 on / 1:00 off until you’ve completed…
100/85 Calorie Machine
80 Situps
60 DB Push Press (30/side)
40 Ring Rows
20 Prisoner Get-Ups (10/side)
40 DB Plank Push/Pull (20/side)
60 Step Ups (Rx+ with DB)
80 Half Burpees
100 Double Unders
100m sprint
6 DB Thrusters
8 Burpees
Every 4:00 x 5 rounds
500m row/1000m bike
20 DB Jump Lunges
10 Pushups
Tabata Squats x 8 rounds
800m run then
1 round
30 burpee pull-ups
30 thrusters @135/95
550m run the
2 rounds
20 c2b pull-ups
20 hang cleans @135/95
400m run then
3 rounds
30 KBS @70/53
10 Clean and Jerks @185/125
A. Conditioning Stuff
E3:00 x 30:00 Alternating
Station 1 (0-3:00)
5 Goblet Sq.+10 Goblet Lunges+5 Goblet Sq.*
20/15 Calorie Ski
*(unbroken; choose KB weight accordingly)
Station 2 (3-6:00)
20/15 Calorie Bike Erg
15 Push Press (115/80)
B. Access-a-ride
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps DB curls
Rest as needed but holding DB’s at sides