Wednesday - Hyrox

Rep/Interval Scheme: 40s Work/ 20s Rest, 40 Rounds

Zone 1A

MAX REPS - Zercher Reverse Lunge (DB or Plate)

Zone 1B

Max Meters Row Sprint


Zone 2A -

Max Lalanne Plank Hold

Zone 2B

Max Sled Push - AHAP


Zone 3A

Max Push-Ups

Zone 3B

Max Ski Erg


Zone 4A

Max Reps DB Hang Clean

Zone 4B

Max Reps Hollow Body Flutter Kicks


Zone 5A

Max Reps Russian KB Swings

Zone 5B

Max Reps Extreme Mountain Climbers


  • Class capacity is 30 athletes.

  • Athletes will spend 8 minutes per zone.

  • Each station involves 40 seconds of work followed by a 20-second switch.

  • Athletes will perform 4 sets at each station.

  • 8 rounds are completed in each zone before moving to the next.