Wednesday - 042419

5K Run

Come get your run on.

**SMASH GAMES Reminder**

CrossFit Greenpoint is excited to host another of year of smashing. We're happy to have lots of new faces since last year's event and I'd like to take a moment to explain a bit about the Smash Games. 

The Smash Games is an annual in-house competition that's meant to promote a fun and exciting day of fitness and exercise. Most often, the workouts are team oriented (with themes and outfits encouraged).

At the end of the day, Smash Games is meant to be an encouraging and fun filled day. 

If you want to check out photos from the last two years, follow the links below! 
Smash Games 2018 Photos

Smash Games 2017 Photos

This year, Smash Games will be done in TEAMS OF THREE. THREE FOLKS, THREE WORKOUTS.

The competition will offer the following divisions : 


If you want to do the Smash Games but are unsure about partner situations, come talk to us and we'll help you partner up!

If you have any questions, please reach me at