A. Strength
E2MOM x 6:
1 power snatch + 1 snatch (ascending in weight)
B. Metcon
For time:
3 Rounds
10 alternating DB snatch (50/35#)
10 toes to bar
2 rounds
15 alternating DB snatch
15 toes to bar
1 round
30 alternating DB snatch
30 toes to bar
A. Strength
E2MOM x 6:
1 power snatch + 1 snatch (ascending in weight)
B. Metcon
For time:
3 Rounds
10 alternating DB snatch (50/35#)
10 toes to bar
2 rounds
15 alternating DB snatch
15 toes to bar
1 round
30 alternating DB snatch
30 toes to bar