Schedule for the week + Monday workout

Monday - Zoom at 12pm
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday - 5:30pm
Friday - 12pm
Saturday - 9am
Sunday - 10am



tabata mash up of the following -> 2 rounds total (:20s work/:10s rest)

  • predator jacks

  • squats

  • glute bridge ups

  • push-ups

Workout - Complete two full rounds (A,B,C,D,A,B,C,D)

  • A - AMRAP 2:00

    • 2 front rack lunges + 2 push-press (right arm) + 2 front rack lunges + 2 push-press (left arm) , 4 front rack lunges + 4 push-press (right arm) + 2 front rack lunges + 2 push-press (left arm)…continue to add 2 reps after each round

  • B - AMRAP 2:00

    • forearm plank

  • C - AMRAP 2:00

    • 2 KB deadlift + 2 KB swing + 2 goblet squats, 4 KB deadlift + 4 KB swing + 4 goblet squats…continue to add 2 reps after each round

  • D - AMRAP 2:00

    • burpees

Cash Out

  • Stretchy sesh