9AM Non Violence
Every 4:00 x 3 rounds:
30 wall balls
15 dual DB clean and jerk
60 double unders
20 KB deadlifts
15 Russian KBS
500 M row
50 M suitcase carry (R)
100 M sprint
50 M suitcase carry (L)
Rest 1:00 between rounds
10AM Self Destruction
Buy In:
Bridge run (yes, you read that right, no WB!)
24 Rounds (12 rounds per partner)
1 rep of the following barbell complex:
1 power snatch
1 hang power snatch
1 overhead squat
RX: 135/95#
6 Rounds
10 synchro burpees over the bar
30 wall balls (reps split)
3 Rounds
50 double unders
40 sit ups
(Reps split)