Wednesday Zoom @ 5:30


10 Soldier Kicks each 

20 Bird Dogs (10 each)

30 Straddle Reaches

2:00 Jog in place (listen for the whistle!)


•AMRAP 5:00 

5 each Lunge Complex (Front+Rev. Lunge=1)

10 Inverted Burpees

20 total Plank Reachers

Rest 1:00

•AMRAP 5:00

5 Single Arm Thrusters (each)

10 Single leg/knee pushups (5 each)

20 Drunken Mtn. Climbers 

Rest 1:00

•AMRAP 5:00

5 Burpees 

10 Shoulder to Overhead 

20 Deadlifts 

•Crunch Time:

30 Reverse crunches

30 Crunches (feet in the air)

30 Standing Knee to Elbow (each)