Friday - Vanity


One Arm Dumbbell Row (supported) + Chin-Up

Every 3 minutes x 4 rounds

8/8 DB Rows - as heavy as vomit

Max Chin-Ups OR max flexed arm hang



Floor Hex Press + Seated OH Dumbbell Tricep Extension

Every 3 minutes x 4 rounds

15 DB Hex Press - SLOW tempo + isometric squeeze the entire time

10 OH Dumbbell Tricep Extension


Conditioning A


DB Hang Muscle Snatch x 12 (6/6 alternating)

DB Front Squat x 12 reps (6 holding it with right arm in front rack position, 6 holding it with left arm in front rack position)

Sit-Ups x 12 reps


Extra Credit

Hard 1000m row