Monday 🐯


Week 2 of squat cycle!

5x5 back squat (@ +10-20# from last week’s weight)

Rest 1:30-2:00 between sets


A. Shuttle Sprints*

4 Rounds

5x (25 feet down + back)

Rest 1:00 in between rounds

*This will run in heats (6 people per heat).

B. More Conditioning + Some Accessory

3 Rounds

12/12 rear foot elevated split squats

15 med ball slams

10 hanging leg raises (strict; no kip)

Rest 1:30 in between rounds

Half of the class will start on split squats and half will start on ball slams. Then switch. These two movements should be performed fast (while maintaining good form). You may choose to add weight to the split squats or keep them unweighted. Everyone will end the round with hanging leg raises, which will be performed strict and more slowly.