Part 1- Every 1:30 for 13:00 (8 Rnds + 1:00 rest)
A. Rounds 1-4
5 Bench Press at 80-85%
1:00 Rest
B. Rounds 5-8
10 Strict Pullups*
As many strict reps as possible in 1:00 for the
last round.
Part 2- Conditioning
A. Every 2:00 for 10:00
20/15 Cal SPRINT on Machine
At 10:00
B. For time- 5:00 Cap
30 Double DB Hang Snatch (50/35)
100 Double Unders
*Hardest Variation you can do. They do not have to be unbroken. Add weight if you can do more then 5 strict pull-ups without a band