The Matrix

Monday - 091216

As everyone knows, this year marks the 15th Anniversary of "9/11". In honor of all the people that lost their lives that day we are repeating the WOD we did back in 2013. "Gone, but not forgotten."

900m Wall Ball Run 50 Burpees 1100m Wall Ball Run 50 Burpees 2001m Wall Ball Run 50 Burpees

This probably is not how everyone wanted to start out Monday but it shouldn't really matter. Come in and do this one. If you're a 3x week member, we won't count this one against you. We'll talk about scaling options in class.

Distance guide:

900m Run - 1 Lap around the block + long corner run 1100m run - 2 laps around the block 2001m run - 1 Provost mile + 400m run