A. Strength
E1:30 x 8 rounds —> 1 Front Squat
Rounds 1-4 —> Build to 85%
Rounds 5-8 —> Stay at 85%
B. Conditioning
For time:
100 Calorie Machine
80 Double Unders
60 Front Squats (95/65)
40 Push Press (95/65)
20 Burpees Over Bar (Lateral)
A. Strength
E1:30 x 8 rounds —> 1 Front Squat
Rounds 1-4 —> Build to 85%
Rounds 5-8 —> Stay at 85%
B. Conditioning
For time:
100 Calorie Machine
80 Double Unders
60 Front Squats (95/65)
40 Push Press (95/65)
20 Burpees Over Bar (Lateral)