Lunge to instep x 10
Happy Baby x 30-45s
Bridges x 10
Toe Taps x 20
Jumping Jacks x 100 reps
Tabata Squats - B2B
Tabata Push-Ups - Plank
:90s work, :30s rest x 3 rounds
75 drunken mountain climbers -> AMRAP wall-sit
90s work, :30s rest x 3 rounds
50 plank jacks -> AMRAP playful low bear
90s work, :30s rest x 3 rounds
50 wide-out drops -> AMRAP burpee up-downs (no pushup)
Crunch Time/Accessorize
20s isometric hamstring hold + 20s rest x 3 rounds
40s bridge to reverse crunch + 20s rest x 2 rounds