Every 2:00 or 5 rounds per station = 10:00 Rest 2:00 between.
A. 12/8 Cal. Assault Bike + 8 TTB
B. 10/6 Cal. Row + 10 Wall Balls
C. 8 Burpee BJ + 10 KBS
(RX+ add 2 calories & 2 reps to everything)
Every 2:00 or 5 rounds per station = 10:00 Rest 2:00 between.
A. 12/8 Cal. Assault Bike + 8 TTB
B. 10/6 Cal. Row + 10 Wall Balls
C. 8 Burpee BJ + 10 KBS
(RX+ add 2 calories & 2 reps to everything)