A. Strength —> RDL’s
E2:00 x 5 rounds
5 Romanian Deadlifts @ 70% of your DL
B. For time - 15:00 Cap
400m Run
10 Wall Walks
300m Run
8 Wall Walks
200m Run
6 Wall Walks
C. Core Stuff
50* Low Plank Push Pulls (30/20)
*25 per side alternating
A. Strength —> RDL’s
E2:00 x 5 rounds
5 Romanian Deadlifts @ 70% of your DL
B. For time - 15:00 Cap
400m Run
10 Wall Walks
300m Run
8 Wall Walks
200m Run
6 Wall Walks
C. Core Stuff
50* Low Plank Push Pulls (30/20)
*25 per side alternating