Monday + Welcome Sarah!


  • 7 rounds

    • 7 deadlifts @185/115

    • 7 Burpee Box Jump

    • 7 Hand Release Push-Ups

  • 18 minute cap

Hey guys!

If you haven’t yet noticed, Sarah S. has been shadowing classes over the last month as she will be joining the GP coaching staff! Sarah has been an awesome addition to the GP family and we’re excited to have her awesome energy in classes.

Fitness Enthusiast and Cheeseburger Aficianado

A former mediocre basketball player and above-average runner, Sarah didn’t reach her full fitness potential until her first class at Greenpoint Athletics, which started with one minute max calories on the assault bike. She got off the bike feeling like she’d never move her legs again. It was then that she discovered her love for workouts that push her to give her all. And she’s been doing just that ever since.

Sarah is passionate about spreading her love of fitness to others, which is what motivated her to complete her CrossFit L1 certification. She believes there is no better feeling than the sense of accomplishment that comes from achieving goals. 

Although she’s happiest when she’s at the gym, barbell in hand, Sarah does have other interests. In a past life, she was a food reporter who is best known for turning Brooklyn’s original rainbow bagel into a viral sensation. Now, in her free time, you can find her scouring NYC for the best cheeseburger or spending most of her paycheck shopping for fitness attire. A native Chicagoan, Sarah enjoys over-pronouncing her a’s and telling New Yorkers that deep dish pizza is not a casserole.