Monday + Smash Games Workout 2!

A. Gymnastics workout week 6/8 B. Overhead Squat - 3RM with 2 second pause in the bottom

C. 3 rounds for time:

50 Double Unders 10 OHS @155/105


SMASH GAMES WORKOUT 2 - November 13th

With your partner, perform two rounds of the following:

3 minute AMRAP: Deadlift (1 point)

3 minute AMRAP: Clean and Jerk/Shoulder to overhead (1 point) or Snatch (2 points)

3 minute AMRAP: Backsquat (1 point) or Front Squat (2 points)


After you've completed two rounds (18 minutes total) , there will be a bonus 3 minute AMRAP of the following:

Pullup/scaled: ring row  (1 point) Chest-to- bar/scaled: pullup (2 points) Muscle-Up/scaled: Chest-to- bar (3 points)


One rep is worth the point(s) written next to the movement. You can perform any of the movements that you choose and break up the reps or movements with your partner however you choose.