10 minutes to establish a 3RM weighted pull-up (strict)
Scaling - choose one or vary accordingly
Every 2 minutes perform 3 strict pull-ups
Every 2 minutes perform 6 jumping pull-ups with controlled negative
Every 2 minutes perform 10-12 ring rows
Perform for two rounds - A->B->C->A->B-C. Rest exactly 90s between stations.
A. Against a three minute clock :
20 KBS
20 single arm push-press with KB
Max burpees with time remaining
B. Against a three minute clock
20 Goblet squats
20 single leg DL (10 each leg - not alternating)
Max burpees with time remaining
C. Against a three minute clock
20 Single arm thrusters
20 Single arm OH weighted walking lunges (10 each leg - alternating)
Max burpees with time remaining.