Strength + Conditioning
2 minute AMRAP followed by a :15 second transition —-
Rounds 1-6 (3 rounds each, alternating)
P1 - 8 KBS @70/53, 30 DU
P2 - 8 KB Kickstand Deadlifts (one weight, opposite side of lead leg) + 8 KB Push Press
Rest 2:00
2 minute AMRAP followed by a :15 second transition —-
Rounds 7-12 (3 rounds each, alternating)
P1 - Max calorie row or assault bike
P2 - Max burpees to plate or target
Score = total reps
100 wallball toss situps
Set a box to 24-30’’
On opposite sides, assume a situp position with your toes pressed against the box (you should be facing your partner).
Both partners will perform a situp.
P1, who is holding the wallball, will throw the ball over the box as he/she reaches the top of the situp.
P2 will catch said wallball.
Both partners will return back to the ground and repeat until 100 reps are completed (50 WB situps each).