

Station 1:

EMOTM 15:00

Min 1- 20 KBS

Min 2- 40sec Wall Sit Hold

Min 3- 15 Situps (feet on wall)*

Station 2- 15:00 Cap

100 Burpees*

At 0:00 and every 2:00 —> 100m Run

*Rx+ 20 sit-ups; 125 Burpees


Self Destruction

AMRAP 35:00

100 Wall Balls (20/14)

50 Cal. Bike Erg

80 Burpees (sets of 5 each)

50 Cal. Bike Erg

60 TTB

50 Cal. Bike Erg

40 Hang Pwr Cleans (115/85)

50 Cal. Bike Erg