

Tabata Everything-Complete Station A before moving to B. 1:00 Rest between stations.  

*Goal is to hang onto bar for movements with barbell even during rest period. 

A. Barbell Shoulder to Overhead 

B. Situps 

C. Barbell Rows

D. Barbell Squats

E. Short Corner Sprint (walk to start=rest) *Not Tabata. 5:00 Clock 


Tabata Everything-Complete Station A before moving to B. 1:00 Rest between stations 

*Goal is to hang onto weight for movements with weight even during rest period. 

A. Shoulder to Overhead 

B. Situps 

C. Bent Over Rows

D. Squats with weight held however 

E. Sprint leaning against wall. Quick and high knees. *Tabata Clock