
Part 1

OTM 20:00 Alt.

Min 1: 15/10 Calorie Machine

Min 2: Goblet Squats + Burpees*

*The reps at this station will always equal 15 but the Squat reps descend while the burpees ascend. For instance: 15 Squats + 0 burpees; 14 Squats + 1 burpees; 13 Squats + 2 burpees, etc)

Part 2

2:30 on / :30 off x 18:00 (2 rounds)

14 DB Hang Pwr Clean & Jerk + Max Situps

14 DB Hang Pwr Clean & Jerk + Max DU

14 DB Hang Pwr Clean & Jerk + Max Bar Rows