Alternating Tabata (2x2:00)
•Toe Touches
•Hand Plank Jumpers (jump right foot to the outside of the right hand then left to left)
•Flutter Kicks
•Active Bottom Squat Hold (drive knees out with elbows)
15:00 AMRAP***
6 Single leg burpees (3/3)
8 each Single leg Heel Touch Squats
https://youtu.be/vc1E5CfRfos (watch at 6:46)
***at 0:00-5:00-10:00 complete 20 Squat Jacks
*Accessory 3 rounds:
10 Superman hold+shoulder angels
5 Glute Crawl outs
:30 Doorway press/hold for deltoids
*Crunch Time 2 rounds:
30 total Single leg Torso Rotations
https://youtu.be/z29ayei4JIs (watch at 1:09)
20 total Reverse Corkscrews
10 each Side Plank Punch
https://youtu.be/z29ayei4JIs (watch at 1:27)