9am Non Violence
EMOM x 15, alternating:
Min 1: 12 DB box step overs (2 @50/35)
Min 2: Max calories on bike
Min 3: Rest
40 DU/80 SU
20 kettlebell swings (53/35)
12/10 calorie row
Accumulate 3:00 forearm plank
Every time you break —> 15 air squats
10am Self Destruction
20 Rounds (10 per partner)
You Go, I Go
1 complex + 20 DU/40 SU
1 power snatch
1 hang power snatch
1 overhead squat
RX: 95/65
Both partners work at the same time:
Partner A:
Bike or row
Partner B:
12 Toes to bar
12 SA alt DB hang clean + jerk (50/35)
Switch once Partner B completes their work. Continue until 4000m is completed on the bike or 2000m on the rower.
One partner works at a time:
100 back squats (split between partners)
RX: 95/65