3/21 WOD

Note - This is not the same workout as the ZOOM workout - 9am Non-violence will be happening tomorrow - LIVE - Check your email or the FB group for the link and password!

Movement Prep

  • Bear Crawls in place - 60s (or small circles)

  • Iron Scorpions (Iron Cross + Scorpions - 5 r/l)

  • Inch Worms + Push-Up - 1+1 x 10

  • Wrist Circles - 20 (10 each direction)


  • 400m run or 2 minutes of running in place

  • 20 burpees


  • AMRAP 20

    • 10 Weighted Jumping Squats

    • 10 Front Squats

    • 10 Push-Press

    • 10 Thrusters

  • Equipment choices -> backpack, KB, dumbbell(s), slam-balls, wall-balls, water chugs


  • 5 minute plank in as few sets as possible - every time you rest - perform 10 SLOW situps