052917 - Memorial Day

As many of us come together to be with family and friends, let us not forget Memorial Day isn't about BBQ's and the start of beach season, it's a day for remembrance of those that died serving this country.


No Open Floor

Class Schedule: 10am - 12pm only. Depending on how many people show up and at what time, we will run a several heats over the course of the 2 hours, last heat out the door by 11am. Show up at 9:45am ready to warm up and go. First group will head out the door by 10:10am at the latest. FYI - This is happen rain or shine. Bring a towel if you need one.


1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run

Partition as needed. Wear a weighted vest if you have one.
*60 Min Cap