Saturday (Cat)


Every 4:00 x 4 rounds

400m run
50 squats

scale the run to a distance that will you allow you to finish the run in no more than 2:00

rest a few minutes and stuff

10 burpees, 1 push press (dumbbells)
9 burpees, 2 push press
8 burpees, 3 push press

1 burpee, 10 push press

rest a few minutes and stuff

500m row for time or 1000m bike erg for time - go really hard and stuff


OTM x 30
1 - 6 deadlifts @315/225
2 - 30 pull-ups
3 - 20 box jump overs
4 - 20 burpees (can work at same time)
5 - 100m run