Friday 💨👎

Friday Pump

Friday Pump

Pump Friday

Sweat Starter:

120/100 Calorie Erg - 8 minute cap

--- Rest 2 minutes ---


Bench Press + Push-Up

3 rounds - rest exactly :90s after each round

Bench x 12 reps @155/105 + AMRAP Push-Ups in :30s

--- Rest 2 minutes ---

3 rounds - rest exactly :90s after each round

10 Single Arm DB Thrusters (5/5) @50/35#

:30s DB Wall-Sit (Hold in Goblet Position)+ :30s BW Wall-Sit

--- Rest 2 minutes ---

3 rounds - rest exactly :90s after each round

10 Supinated Barbell Row @135/95

10 DB Waiter Curls @50/35#

100m Farmer Carry (one DB, alternate at the stop sign at the short corner)