FriYAY 🧞‍♂️


Review the power snatch & snatch

EMOM x 8:

Mins 1-4: 1 power snatch

Mins 5-8: 1 snatch

Stay light and use this time as a warm up to prep for the conditioning piece.


For Time:

5 wall walks

50 double unders // 50 single unders

15 snatches (95/65#) // (65/45#)

5 wall walks

50 double unders // 50 single unders

12 snatches (135/95#) // (95/65#)

15 handstand push ups // 15 hand release push ups

50 double unders // 50 single unders

9 snatches (185/125#) // (115/75#)

12 handstand push ups // 12 hand release push ups

50 double unders // 50 single unders

6 snatches (225/155#) // (135/85#)

**18 minute time cap**