
Michael Tiberia

Owner/Head Coach

Mike has been involved in the health & fitness industry for over 10 years, working at nearly a half dozen gyms in varying capacities. From personal training to management, he’s done it all. Mike is a fitness thrill-seeker of sorts, much like Patrick Swayze’s character in Point Break (only not a psychopath), searching the ocean that is the American fitness industry for the ultimate workout...enter CrossFit. Introduced to him by a friend and fellow trainer, he immediately fell in love with the awful feeling of his central nervous system shutting down after completing Fran. That was it. Fast-forward 5 years, Mike and his (non-life) partner Ron, are excited to be a larger part of the CrossFit community with CrossFit Greenpoint in Brooklyn, NY.

When not fitnessing, Mike spends his time on his other life’s quest, searching for the end of the Internet. He is also very jealous of Ron’s long list of certifications and thinks that they must be made up.


  • Level 1 CrossFit Trainer

  • Level 2 CrossFit Trainer

  • Crossfit Competitor’s Course

  • Freestyle Connection Seminar with Carl Paoli

  • Outlaw Training Camp

  • Attitude Nation Level 1 Certification/Seminar with Jon North