A. Strength - Strict Press (15:00 Clock)
5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 reps (build in weight to 1 rep then descend to same weights back to 5 reps)
B. Conditioning - Yay
AMRAP 12:00
300m Run
10 TTB
Workout of the Day
A. Strength - Strict Press (15:00 Clock)
5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5 reps (build in weight to 1 rep then descend to same weights back to 5 reps)
B. Conditioning - Yay
AMRAP 12:00
300m Run
10 TTB
RFESS with DB - AHAP + DB Wall_SIT
4 rounds
10/10 RFESS immediately into :30s DB WS
Rest 1:30 after each set
Make it vomit fire 💦🔥🔥🔥🔥
1100m run
50 thrusters @45/33
30 pull-ups
Every 2:00 x 7:
1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 S2OH
Build to heavy.
10 dumbbell thrusters (50/35#)
10 burpee box jump overs (24/20)